Early years pupil premium
From 2024, childcare providers can get extra funding to support 2, 3 to 4-year-olds including:
- your child if you’re getting certain benefits
- a child looked after by the council
- a child looked after by special guardians and or there is a Child Arrangement Order
- a child adopted from care
This extra funding is called early years pupil premium (EYPP) and can give up to £388 per year extra to childcare providers such as pre-schools, nurseries, or childminders.
The extra money can help pay for things like books, resources, services, or extra staff training. EYPP is paid directly to childcare providers.
If you’re receiving any of these benefits, then apply online for early years pupil premium.
Complete an online application for each child. Some information will be remembered to help you to complete multiple applications quickly.
You’ll get an immediate response regarding eligibility after you've completed your application.
- if you've adopted your 2, 3 or 4-year-old
- you're their special guardian
- or have a Child Arrangement Order
Complete and return the EYPP application form to apply.
For 2, 3 and 4-year-olds looked after by Buckinghamshire Council, parents and foster carers don’t need to apply.
Buckinghamshire’s Virtual School will work directly with childcare providers and manage any early years pupil premium payments.