Family Information Service

Privacy Policy

What information will you hold?

No personal information that you give to the Buckinghamshire Family Information Service will be passed on to third parties for commercial purposes.

The Buckinghamshire Family Information Service reserves the right, where permitted by law, to share information amongst its own officers and other agencies where doing so will help improve the services provided by the council and assist in the development of other services.

If you contact the service by email, phone or social media your information will be stored securely in our system so that we can provide a service to you. You can request that your information is removed at any time by contacting the Buckinghamshire Family Information Service.

If you choose to create an account on the BFIS directory your details will be stored securely in our system and will not be shared.

If you create a record to promote your service, organisation or event, you will have control of the information that is published on the website. Only publicly-available information will be shared and you can delete your record or request to delete your community user account at any time.

Read the full Terms and Conditions.


Only information that has been reviewed and cleared for release will be published on the Buckinghamshire Family Information Service website.

The website pages and directory are owned and operated by Buckinghamshire Council and is protected by copyright owned in whole or in principal part by the council. You may download information for personal reference, research or information purposes only.

Download, distribution and/or alteration of any information or data from council websites by any third party for their local use is permitted as long as this copyright is kept intact and appended to any data downloaded. Any other distribution of copies of the information or any altered version thereof is expressly prohibited without prior written consent of a senior officer of the council.

Use of any logo, graphics or graphical device or picture in any form or media after downloading from the council website is prohibited without the express written permission of the council.

The council does not grant permission for any use whatsoever (other than local display on the screen of the downloading equipment) for any information or data for which the council does not own the copyright.