How to use the Family Information Service online directory
Below are some top tips to make the most of the directory and help you find the most relevant results.
Text search
- Search results with text are weighted highly to match record titles. Some weighting is given to the description in the record.
- Use quotes to search for a specific keyword or phrase, this will filter out common words. For example, you could search, "SEND".
- Use quotation marks to group words together. This will tell the search to focus on these words. For example, "SEND" "Swimming".
Location search
- When using a location search try to use a specific area or postcode where possible. This will give the most accurate location for the search results.
- The directory will show all results within a 5-mile radius of that location.
Text and location search
Where a text and location search are both used the directory will:
- Only show results within 5 miles of the location
- Filter records to show those that match the text search
- Order the records in distance from the location used from closest to furthest
'Categories' and 'SEND needs'
- Categories can be used to help you filter down the results and find the most relevant organisations.
- If you select multiple categories will show all results that have either of the categories tagged to it.
- The same as the above will apply to the SEND needs.
- You can filter records by age. You can enter an age range and the directory will show records that have been tagged to being suitable for that age.
- To find a specific age you can add this age into both fields (minimum and maximum).
- Records with no age tagged to them will show in all results.
'Opening hours'
- Selecting multiple days will show results that are open on either of those days, not both.
'Activity and event dates'
- Use one of the pre-selected filters to show records with events running today, tomorrow, in the next 7 or 30 days.
- For other date periods you can fill your own dates in the 'From' and 'To' fields.
- Records that sit within your date range will show.
- Records that's overlap the date range entered will also show.
View our helpful video below on how to use our online directories.
- how to access our directories from our website
- using the search function
- using filters and categories (and how to access these on a mobile)
- using the location search and map
- how to add a service to your pins and print or email the list
It also includes help if you would like to add a service:
- how to create an account
- how to add a service to the directory
- how to contact us if you need help and support
Go to our directories
You can access the Family Information Service directory below.
You can access our SEND directory below.
Need further help
If you need further help using or adding a service to our directories, email [email protected]