Family Information Service

About the Family Support Service

The Family Support Service offers support to children, young people and families. This includes support for parents with children and young people aged 0 to 25 years with a special educational need or disability.

Advice and support provided through:

  • the Family Information Service,
  • open-access sessions,
  • health services for early years children and parents/carers at a network of 16 Family Centres. 

You can drop in anytime during the week at our three Family Centre Plus sites. All activities at our centres are free for children, young people and families. Families can refer themselves or can ask for help from a school, health or other professionals who will make a referral on their behalf.

The service can provide support to families and individuals who are facing more complex challenges, through group work or support from a dedicated Family Worker. One-to-one support is available in a setting that is comfortable, such as in the home, a local community setting or somewhere else.

The service does not provide whole-family support when a child or young person is open to statutory Children’s Services, but if specific support is needed - parenting, one to one youth support or early years support at family centre sessions - you can make this request for support. 

The Early Help Strategy for Buckinghamshire is central to delivering our partnership ambition for children, young people and their families to thrive and contribute to our community.

The Early Help Strategy

The second Buckinghamshire Early Help Partnership Strategy reflects both the progress we have made together in supporting families and communities, but also the changing context and how we operate within it, in order to effectively meet the challenges faced by individuals and families who have additional support needs.

We believe this strategy shows the development of our partnership early help approach and how with increased collaboration and a shared commitment to providing the right support at the right time, we are and can continue to make a real difference to our communities.

Early Help Partnership Strategy 2022 to 2025

How to access the family support service

There are different ways you can access the Family Support Service (FSS) in Buckinghamshire depending on your needs.

  1. Find out about local activities and support services
  2. Search our information, advice and support pages
  3. Attend a drop-in session or an activity at a family centre near me
  4. Request support online

How to get help from the Family Support Service