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Looking after yourself when grieving

During a time of grief, you may not feel like looking after yourself. This is important to help you cope with the extreme emotions that come with bereavement and grief.

Some of the following quite simple things can help you look after yourself.


You may lose your appetite so try to keep eating as normally as possible. Your body needs food, even if you don't want it. Ideally, go for healthy, well-balanced meals.


It can be hard to sleep when you're very upset. Better Health has information on how to get better sleep.


Seeing your friends and keeping up a normal social life may help take your mind off things. It will allow you to talk about how you're doing if you want to. Don't feel guilty about not thinking about the person you've lost or having a good laugh with friends.


Regular exercise can make you feel good and help you sleep. Avoid doing vigorous exercise close to going to bed. It can also be a relief to focus on something physical when you're going through an emotional time

Smoking, drinking and taking drugs

Avoid smoking, drinking and taking drugs. You may feel like smoking or drinking because you feel down. Your body has to work hard to deal with substances such as nicotine, alcohol or illegal drugs and they'll end up making you feel worse.