Family Information Service

Support for young people involved in crime

Services and prevention programmes that have been created to help young people stay away from a life of crime and avoid reoffending.

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Buckinghamshire Youth Justice and Support Team Colour logo

Buckinghamshire Youth Justice and Support Team (BYJST)

The Buckinghamshire Youth Justice and Support Team helps prevent children and young people aged 10 to 18 from offending and re-offending.

The service is made up of trained Social Workers, Probation Officers, Police Officers and staff with health and education backgrounds.

You can contact the Youth Offending Service by:

Family Support Service

The Family Support Service provides 1-to-1 support to families and young people.

They also run the Family Centres. Their sessions provide parenting support and youth work programmes.

The Family Support Service can be contacted by:

Firewise Scheme

Firewise Scheme by the Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service educates young people who display concerning firesetting behaviours.

Contact [email protected] if you have concerns about a child or young person and their relationship with fire. You should provide details of your concern and request a referral form.

Other support organisations