Family Information Service

Help with heating and energy bills

Helplines and schemes that can give you advice on saving energy and managing bills.

If you’re on a low income, you could get payments to help with the cost of heating your home.

Free advice from Better Housing Better Health

Better Housing Better Health (previously known as Affordable Warmth) provides free impartial advice on:

  • energy-saving tips
  • tips to improve energy efficiency
  • financial assistance for upgrades or replacements
  • Fuel debt advice
  • Switching energy suppliers

Contact Better Housing Better Health by email [email protected] or phone 0800 107 0044.

Cold Weather Payment scheme

If you’re getting certain benefits or Support for Mortgage Interest, you may get Cold Weather Payments to help with the cost of energy bills when the temperature gets very low.

You’ll get a payment if the average temperature in your area is recorded as, or forecast to be, zero degrees Celsius or below over 7 consecutive days.

You’ll get £25 for each 7 day period of very cold weather between 1 November and 31 March.

Cold Weather Payments are usually paid automatically if you’re eligible but you may sometimes you may need to speak to your local Jobcentre Plus.

Find out more about Cold Weather Payments

Home Upgrade Grant (HUG)

Home Upgrade Grant is a Government-funded local authority scheme for properties not heated by gas. The scheme delivers energy-saving improvements to the homes of people who struggle to pay their heating bills and keep their homes warm. These improvements are free and help residents to keep their homes warm while using less energy.

Visit the HUG website to check if you are eligible.

Places with more information

Citizens Advice

A guide by Citizen Advice on grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills.

10 ways to save on energy bills

Tips by Which? on saving energy.

Collective Switching (Better Offers Together)

Collective switching is where a group of consumers join together to negotiate a better deal with gas and electricity suppliers. It’s free to join and you don’t have to accept the winning offer.