Family Information Service

Online parenting courses

Triple P Online

Triple P offer online versions of their 'Toddlers and Tweens' and 'Pre-Teens and Teens' courses.

Topics include:

  • building a stronger relationship
  • dealing calmly with conflict
  • encouraging good behaviour
  • teaching your child new skills

Price: around £72

A series of seven YouTube videos from Family Links that cover:

  • Praise and empathy
  • Personal power and choices
  • Feelings and what to do with them
  • Kinds of touch
  • Ages and stages: helping children to grow up
  • Keeping children safe
  • Behaviour to ignore, problem solving and negotiation

Mental and Emotional Health in Schools

Mental and Emotional Health in Schools by Family Links is designed for school staff. Knowledge is consolidated with interactive content (case studies, role-plays and dialogues).

Areas covered include:

  • recognising and responding to signs of poor mental health
  • strategies to support your own and other’s good mental and emotional health
  • understanding boundaries and professional responsibilities
  • importance of following safeguarding procedures

Price: free