Family Information Service

What to do if you are concerned about a child

Report a concern

If you believe there is an immediate risk of significant harm or if anyone is in immediate danger, always call the police on 999.

If you're worried about a child or believe a child to be at risk of any kind of harm please report this concern to social care, First Response.

Social care services have a statutory obligation to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable children and can provide a wide range of services to children and their parents. This usually takes place within their own home co-ordinated by a social worker.

The First Response team will listen to your concerns and decide on the appropriate action.

First response

For urgent safeguarding concerns the quickest way to let the First Response team know is by calling them on:

01296 383 962 between 9am to 5:30pm Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm Friday.

0800 999 7677 before 9am, after 5:30pm (5pm on a Friday) or at weekends (Emergency Duty Team).

If you have a safeguarding concern that is not urgent, please use the online form below.

Report a concern online

Online concerns are monitored only in working hours 9am to 5:30pm Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm Friday.

Report a concern

NSPCC Helpline

You can also report any concerns you have about a child to the NSPCC helpline. You can also speak to them for advice if you are unsure. You can contact the NSPCC by:

You can report anything anonymously if you want to.