Family Information Service

Support for carers

If you look after someone who needs your help to live their day-to-day life then you are a carer. There is a range of support available for carers including:

  • carers assessment
  • support for carers needing a break
  • financial support
  • support for young carers
  • emergency planning

Our directory has further support available if you are a carer or are looking for care for someone else.

Search the directory

Young carers

If you help to look after a member of your family, who has a physical or mental illness, takes drugs or alcohol or has a disability, you are a Young Carer.

Support for young carers

All-Age Carers Strategy 2025-2030

Buckinghamshire Council launched in February 2025 a comprehensive 'All-Age Carers Strategy' (PDF 3.74MB) aimed at making life easier for everyone who provides regular unpaid care and support to another person in Buckinghamshire.

The council, alongside health partners and representatives across social care and the voluntary and community sectors, has co-produced the strategy. It sets out the joint commitment to carers of all ages in Buckinghamshire to ensure they are valued and supported.

The new strategy details how the council and its partners will continue to develop and deliver meaningful support to unpaid carers, enabling them to maintain a positive quality of life alongside their caring role.

The council has been working closely with a range of carers across all age groups to develop the priorities identified in the strategy and ensure their views are reflected. This has included the strategy forward being written by a young adult carer.

Action plan

The purpose of the high-level action plan (PDF 704KB) is to set out how the Carers Strategy will be delivered.

The action plan is a live document monitored by the Buckinghamshire Carers Partnership Board and Buckinghamshire Executive Partnership Board and annually refreshed.

It focuses on key actions and delivery to be undertaken over the next year to ensure a robust focus on immediate action, alongside clear organisational and senior sponsors for driving forward improvements for carers.