Joint Strategic Needs Assessment: early help
Early help in the context of Children’s Services: The Local Picture
The national reviews and programmes have informed how services are delivered locally to best meet the needs of children, young people and families, in the context of increasing demand and risk.
A new locality-based approach within Buckinghamshire Children’s Services has recently been implemented which aims to streamline the support for children and families and improve their experience of accessing services (both early help and statutory services). The model will in time create a whole-system approach to support for children and young people where local needs and pressures are understood and met through multi-agency collaborative working within communities.
A mature early help system, that includes the contribution of partners and voluntary and community sector resources, will recognise the fluidity of threshold, and the dynamic needs of families, stepping the right services in for families at the right stage. Preventative activity will be coordinated, tailored and targeted, through the Partnership, to ensure it reaches families at the earliest point.
The development of Family Hub networks is a key priority and partners are collaborating to develop these across the county. Partners are working together to develop an effective and sustainable offer, building on best practice, local need, and family feedback.