Family Information Service

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment: early help

holding hands


9.1 Develop a strong, consistent understanding of the Buckinghamshire Early Help Partnership approach and offer to enable children, young people and families to access the right support at the right time, which prevents things from getting worse for them and builds individual, family and community resilience.

9.2 Review the category of concerns and ensure that these are used consistently across the early help partnership in order to accurately capture the prevalence of need.

9.3 Ensure that culture and heritage are routinely captured by referrers in order to accurately identify needs within our diverse communities.

9.4 Introduce a single early help assessment tool that can be promoted across the partnership and enables practitioners from all agencies to complete a high-quality and consistent initial review of presenting needs for children, young people and families.

9.5 Utilise the data above to create Family Centre timetables to ensure that services are tailored to the needs of our communities.

9.6 Utilise the data above to co-design with partners the Family Hub Network model to enable the further development of coordinated early help support for children, young people and their families.

9.7 Develop an early help Dashboard so data informs activity, alongside qualitative impact evidence.

9.8 Support communities and partners to enable more active and effective contributions at the earliest stage of a child’s journey.

9.9 Further develop multi-disciplinary locality-based working closer to communities supporting effective relationships with partner agencies whilst empowering communities and partners to enable more active and effective contributions.