Alternative Provision

Role of Parents/Carers and Next Steps

As parents/carers, schools and governing bodies must ensure that you consent to the Alternative Provision proposed for your child, except in circumstances where direction off-site is required. The Alternative Provision Statutory guidance for local authorities gives more guidance on page 9, 12 and 14 about off-site direction. You should be given clear information about the placement, including:
- why the placement is needed
- when this arrangement will start and for how long
- who the alternative provider will be and where they are based
- how and when the placement will be reviewed.
Parents and carers should also be involved in the review of their child's placement with an alternative provider. This should be frequent enough to provide reassurance that the off-site provision is benefiting the pupil.
What to do if I am unhappy with the Alternative Provision for my child?
View the table below to see the steps to take on raising concerns around the Alternative Provision arrangements, depending on the type of provision.
Alternative Provision Escalation Pathway
Child attending mainstream education and has been referred to an alternative provider by the home school | Child with an Education Health Care Plan receiving education other than at school (EOTAS) |
Step 1: raise concerns with the school directly (regarding the Alternative Provider) |
Step 1: raise concerns directly with your Education Health and Care coordinator |
Step 2: where unresolved, follow the school’s complaints procedure |
Step 2: where unresolved, escalate to Local Authority iSEND Team |