Family Information Service

Alternative Provision

Last updated: 10 January 2024
Alternative Provision

Who is Alternative Provision for?

Group of students working on an activity

There may be times when pupils are unable to attend their mainstream educational setting. This may be due to health, emotional or behavioural reasons. Where this occurs, a temporary arrangement should be made for the pupil to attend an alternative education provider. This provision supports the pupil to continue to access education and aims to help integrate them into a mainstream school.

Examples of where this may be appropriate include:

  • those permanently excluded from a mainstream school
  • those experiencing emotional or behavioural difficulties
  • those being bullied
  • those who missed out on a school place
  • those who have or may have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND), with or without an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
  • those with a medical need or illness which makes it difficult for them to go to a mainstream school
  • those who have a child themselves or are pregnant