Family Information Service

Elective Home Education (EHE)

Parents or carers may decide to provide Home Education for their children instead of sending them to school. This is called Elective Home Education (EHE).

Buckinghamshire Council recognises that home education is a key aspect of parental choice.

When a parent chooses not to send their child to school, they take on the responsibility for making sure their child receives a full-time education.

Buckinghamshire Council, as the local authority, has a duty to be satisfied that all children are receiving suitable education.

Things to consider

Providing a suitable education

You're responsible for making sure your child receives an education that is suitable for their:

  • age
  • ability
  • aptitude
  • any other special needs they have


If you home educate your child you are responsible for all costs including:

  • books
  • equipment
  • field trips
  • any exam fees
  • tuition, tutoring and subscriptions to online providers

Meeting your child's other needs

  • The social aspects of your child’s development - how will your child engage in social activities and have contact with other children?
  • How you will provide for your child’s physical development

If there's a school-based issue, we strongly advise you not to withdraw your child from school until you have explored all the options with the school.

Your decision to home educate your child should be an informed, active and positive one.

Withdrawing your child from school

If you decide to withdraw your child from school to home educate, you must inform the school in writing so that the child’s name can be removed from the school roll.

If you decide to return your child to school, they will not have an automatic right of admission to their previous school.

Tell us you've decided to home educate your child

Your child's school will then complete an Elective Home Education School Notification Form. Schools can find more information on SchoolsWeb.

How we will work with you

Our EHE Officer will contact you if you are Electively Home Educating your child.

An initial telephone consultation will usually be arranged so they can discuss the plans you have in place for your child’s education.

They will not tell you how to teach your child but can offer advice and guidance.

Our EHE Officer may discuss:

  • How you are planning to ensure your child is offered a broad and balanced curriculum?
  • What are your short and long-term plans?
  • How do you provide for your child’s physical development and emotional wellbeing?
  • How do you arrange for your child to mix socially with others?
  • How will you record your child’s progress and identify any areas for development?
  • Are you planning for your child to take exams and how will you facilitate this? It is often difficult to find suitable exam centres and the costs of exams such as GCSEs can be expensive.

The EHE Officer will usually meet with you at home but if you prefer, meetings can be arranged at alternative places.

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

If your child has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) you must contact our Integrated SEND Service when requesting Elective Home Education.

If your child attends a special school, Buckinghamshire Council must give permission before your child can come off the school's roll.

We always recommend speaking to your child's school before making the decision to home educate.

Buckinghamshire Council will arrange Annual Reviews to check your child is receiving suitable education and support.

Information and support

Educating your child at home is a big commitment and there is a lot to think about.

If you are considering educating your child at home, our guidance can help you make your decision.

If you would like to talk to us about your decision, please contact us.

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01296 382 687


View EHE resources

Local and national services providing help and information on education, health and wellbeing, youth support and options at 16.