Family Information Service

EBSNA guidance for parents and carers

This information was co-produced with parents/carers, schools, and professionals.

Girl on computer sitting down outside

Understanding EBSNA

Worrying or anxiety is a normal feeling that we all experience from time to time. It can even keep us safe from harm or help us perform in difficult situations. However, sometimes anxiety or excessive worrying can become a problem especially when it stops someone doing what they want or need to do.

Girl sitting down with hand supporting head looking down

Supporting your child

School staff can support your child with anxiety when they are at school, but they cannot support them when they return home after the school day or in the morning before school starts. At these times, you can address worries in the home setting.

Both school staff and parents / carers have vital roles to play in helping children experiencing EBSNA. Close collaboration is likely to lead to the best outcome for the child.

Teacher, parents and young person around a table talking

Working with your child's school

School staff can support children with anxiety when they are on the school site. At school, a child may not always show they are experiencing EBSNA. It is important that the school is aware that your child is showing signs of EBSNA, and that you work together to help the child.

Ask for a meeting with the school staff who can support you, or send an email or speak to the school if you do not know who can help.

Image saying resources with computer, phone icons

Useful support, websites and books (EBSNA)

Find out the support available locally and information that can help you on our list of recommended websites, YouTube videos, and books.