Family Information Service

Improving your child’s school attendance

Support for young carers missing school

Sometimes young people miss school because they’re looking after a family member. Missing school can affect your child’s future so it’s important to get help as soon as possible.

A GP, nurse or social worker can help you get more support at home, so your child can concentrate on school or college.

Young Carers Bucks help young people get support if they are caring for a family member with a:

  • physical or mental illness
  • disability
  • drug or alcohol problem

Young Carers Bucks also offer regular social events, representation at meetings and group work. Even if care services are in place and other members of your family are helping, Young Carers Bucks can support your children with the emotional impact and restrictions of being a carer.

Contact Young Carers Bucks by phone 01296 392 711 or email [email protected]