Child exploitation
What to look out for
It’s not always easy to spot the signs of Child Exploitation. Often the biggest sign is a change in their behaviour. Where possible, try talking to your child about your worries.
If a child is being exploited, signs to look out for include:
- Being frightened of some people, places or situations
- Increasing secrecy
- Sharp changes in mood or character
- Having money for things that they cannot explain
- Physical signs of abuse (bruises, cuts, injuries without an explanation)
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Increase in missing episodes
- Substance misuse
- Increase in travel in/outside of the County
- Significantly older peers
- Meeting people in person that they have only spoken to online
- Seen getting into/out of vehicles that you do not know
Any one of these signs doesn't always mean that a child is being exploited. The presence of several could suggest that you begin to ask questions and consider seeking help.