Family Information Service

View our family learning courses

The Buckinghamshire Family Learning team run a variety of free courses for parents and carers of children across Buckinghamshire:

  • online courses (five to six weeks)
  • workshops (two hours)

We design our courses to help parents understand how they can best support their children throughout their early years and at school.

Our courses are fun and practical, and parents who attend a course often choose to come to more.

We also encourage and support parents and carers on our courses to develop their own skills. This may be returning to learning or boosting skills in preparation for going back to work. We aim to help you feel ready to take the next step to achieve your goals.

Courses for school-aged children are for parents only. Early years courses can include parents and children (aged between 2 and 4 years), as well as parents only.

How to book onto our courses:

Young child sitting down reading a book

Early years courses

We offer a range of early years courses and workshops for parents and their children up to the age of five years.

Young boy in a library with hand rested against his head

Primary schools courses

We offer a range of courses:

  • English
  • maths
  • science
  • how to support your child’s wellbeing
  • internet safety
  • transition into different school key stages and year groups.

We design all our courses to help parents:

  • have confidence in supporting their children at home
  • to make learning fun
  • to understand teaching methods used in schools.

View our current courses
Group of three women sitting down around a laptop.

Thinking about volunteering

If you are thinking of going back to the workplace and you are not sure where or how to start, volunteering may be for you.

In this free two-hour workshop you will:

  • discover the advantages of volunteering
  • reflect on what skills you have
  • how they match the skills you need to work as a volunteer
  • look at where to find volunteer opportunities and what are the next steps in your journey.

This workshop is for parents and carers of school-aged children, who would like to build their confidence and explore volunteering as an optional step to start or return to employment.

It provides information and opportunities to reflect on transferable skills for those parents who would like to volunteer alongside their current job.