Family Information Service

FACT Bucks parent forum

Short for Families and Carers Together in Buckinghamshire, FACT Bucks is a group of parents and professionals who meet to discuss issues that affect children and young people with additional needs and disabilities locally. Known as parent forum.

FACT Bucks gives parents a place and opportunity to:

  • improve the services and support for children and young people with SEND
  • help ensure children with additional needs are fully included in society and have access to the support and facilities necessary to sustain and improve their wellbeing
  • meet directly with decision-makers and those providing and delivering services
  • join local meetings, events and training

FACT Bucks work with the Local Offer for SEND to provide insight on topics and help improve our information.

If you're a parent or carer of a child or young person with a SEND and live in Buckinghamshire, email [email protected] to find out how you can get involved.

FACT Bucks and SENDIAS survey


In March 2021, parents and carers of Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Buckinghamshire were invited to complete a survey being conducted by FACT Bucks and Buckinghamshire SENDIAS.

The survey received more than 600 responses. The full report, which includes all 167 free comments, is available on their website.

View the report

You Said We Did actions

In February 2022, we produced a you said, we did, based on the survey feedback because we recognise that parents and carers feedback is a vital part of our improvement journey.

View our You Said We Did February 2022


We've published our annual FACT Bucks and SENDIAS survey for February 2022.

The questions are about your experience of the SEND system within Buckinghamshire in the last 12 months. Your views are important and will be read and taken into account when prioritising our SEND improvement actions.


This year's survey is now closed. We'll be producing a You Said We Did based on your responses in early 2023.