Family Information Service

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Local Offer)

Getting started with SEND

Where to start if you are new to SEND, want to know more about the Local Offer, looking for support services and who to contact if you are unhappy about something.

Education and SEND

Education help for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Including Alternative Provision, EHCPs, find your EHCCO, and SEND school transport.

SEND money and benefits

Financial support for children and young people with SEND

Health and SEND

Local health support for children and young people with SEND

Social care and SEND

Social care services for children and young people with SEND

SEND childcare and early years

Local childcare and early years support for children with SEND

Preparing for Adulthood

SEND and preparing for adulthood and independence

Things to do and SEND

Local events and activities for children and young people with SEND

Autism Toolbox for parents and carers

Advice and local services for children and young people with autism

Short breaks

Activities and respite care for children and young people with SEND

Disabled Children Register (BAND) and Max Card

Join our Disabled Children Register (DCR) to help us plan and develop SEND services

Get involved and give your feedback on local SEND services

Help us to improve local SEND services for children and young people in Buckinghamshire. Find out about our Co-production Charter and how you can participate.

Forms and templates

Useful forms and templates for parents and carers using the Buckinghamshire special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) local offer

Improvement plans, statements, and strategies

Local SEND Improvement

Find out how we're improving local area SEND services through our co-produced SEND and Inclusion Strategy and SEND Improvement Plan.

Written Statement of Action (WSoA)

The action plan, also known as a 'Written Statement of Action', was approved by Ofsted in late August 2022.

Service statements and strategies

Buckinghamshire Family Information Service strategies and service statements.

Find local activities and organisations

Services and support for children and young people with SEND

Search for information and advice on our website