Family Information Service

Make a SEND Co-production promise

Make a SEND Co-production promise and help us to make sure that co-production is at the heart of everything we do in Buckinghamshire.

You can tell us about something new you will do in the next year to support our Co-production Charter. This can be anything that will help children and young people with SEND in Buckinghamshire to shape their support or the services they receive. For example:

  • ensure that they help to plan meetings about the support they receive, such as annual reviews or SEN support meetings
  • involve them in the design and commissioning of new services or changes to existing services from start to finish
  • involve them in true co-production beyond consultation and engagement
Complete the Co-production promise form to make your promise

Who can make a promise

Everyone is welcome to make a Co-production promise. You can sign up as an individual, as a group or team, or as an organisation.

Why you should make a promise

Make a SEND Co-production promise and join people, groups, and organisations across Buckinghamshire who support our Co-production Charter.

Our ambitions are that every child or young person can:

  • inform the provision and services required to support them and their families
  • influence the design, commissioning, and delivery of services to ensure they are suitable for those who need them
  • help plan better services and better outcomes to meet their needs