Family Information Service

Early Identification and Intervention to Better Support Children and Young People’s Therapy Needs

Last updated: 31 August 2023
Integrated Therapies Strategy

10. Co-production

We asked a range of people to help us develop the draft strategy. They included:

  • People who work with children, young people, and their families
  • The Buckinghamshire Parent/Carer Forum - FACT Bucks

A formal consultation took place in the Winter of 2022 via an online questionnaire and engagement events. A range of professionals, parents/carers and young people shared their thoughts on the draft version of the strategy. We used their feedback to develop the final version.

We will continue to work with professionals, parents/carers, children and young people to deliver this strategy. This is in line with Buckinghamshire’s SEND Co-production Charter. In particular, we will look to involve families in the development of the action plan to go with this Strategy.