Family Information Service

Local SEND Improvement

Shout Out for SEND Conference

Live drawing with quotes and images from a discussion group

The SEND Improvement Team run an annual 'Shout Out for SEND' Conference in the autumn term to ensure we're listening to young people with SEND.

Their feedback helps us to develop our services, policies and strategies so they can reach their full potential and access and participate in all walks of life.

Young people take an active role in developing activities and running the conference on the day, which ensures that we co-produce the conference from start to finish.

The conference is designed for pupils of secondary school age and is free to all attendees. We also invite electively home-educated young people and those who live in Buckinghamshire but attend schools and settings in other local authorities.

The conference is organised and run with partners across Buckinghamshire so we can incorporate the views and needs of young people across a wide range of activities.

Each year a new theme is chosen that relates to a priority within our Buckinghamshire SEND Improvement plan.