Family Information Service

Social care and SEND

Our social care team can provide personal care and practical help for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Most children and young people with additional needs get all the help they need from community services.

You can search for community services for children and young people with SEND in our directory:

Show me local SEND community services

But if you need extra support, contact us to see if we can help.

Social care first contact

Our Children with Disabilities 0 to 18 Team aims to:

  • help children and young people with SEND meet their goals and ambitions
  • provide practical support for children and young people with additional needs both inside and outside their home

We can help children and young people who have:

  • a learning difficulty
  • a physical disability
  • complex health needs
  • sensory impairments

If you feel you need help, you should email our first response and multi agency safeguarding hub (MASH) team.

A team member will talk to you about your situation. This may lead to an assessment.

An assessment will gather information from you, your child and any professionals involved in their care.

This will help us to understand the needs of your child or young person in your care.

You can read about the eligibility criteria we use when assessing your child or young person in your care.

We will then let you know what help we can offer.