Family Information Service

We Do Care (WDC)

We Do Care is Buckinghamshire’s Children in Care Council.

It gives children and young people a chance to have their say on issues that matter to them, to make sure that they are listened to by Social Workers, managers and other decision-makers.

This helps make a difference to the lives of children and young people in care and Care Leavers.

The Children in Care Council is a group of children and young people who are either in care or a Care Leaver, their ages range from:

  • 5 to 12 (called We Do Care Juniors)
  • 12 to 18 (called We Do Care Seniors)
  • 18 plus (called We Do Care Care Leavers)

What we do

  • talk to decision-makers about being in care in Buckinghamshire
  • share ideas about how to improve services for children and young people in care and Care Leavers
  • help interview people who want to work with children and young people
  • organise events like fun days and an award event to celebrate the success of children in care and Care Leavers

We Do Care run a wide range of activities for all ages – examples include farm visits and craft activities for juniors, bowling and cinema visits for seniors or meals out for older members.

All groups aim to have fun and give opportunities to meet other children and young people in care and Care Leavers and try new things.

Find out more about We Do Care