HAF Annual Report 2023/24

Key highlights and outcomes
The HAF programme in 2023/24 has ensured that children and young people attending HAF clubs have enjoyed a range of fun, enriching and physical activities to keep them engaged and active over the three holiday periods.
A large proportion of HAF club attendees return to attend subsequent HAF programmes and alongside providing structured activities, HAF clubs also present children and young people with the opportunity to:
- experience new things
- become more physically active
- learn new skills
- try new foods
- make new friends.
For parents and carers, the programme means that they have childcare provision to allow them to work or focus on their studies, and has helped to reduce financial worries during school holiday periods.
The HAF programme has benefitted the local economy in Buckinghamshire through funding of local activity providers to deliver the clubs and funding of local food businesses that have provided healthy food for the HAF programme.
Various organisations delivering HAF have shown growth in parallel with the programme, with some transitioning from sole traders to registered businesses and others becoming Ofsted registered; expanding their offer outside of HAF and becoming more sustainable.
Across 2023 Buckinghamshire’s SEND offer has seen significant growth with upwards of 500 children and young people with identified SEND accessing HAF across the three-delivery periods; with the majority accessing ‘mainstream’ provision. This was due to the work of our ‘mainstream’ providers making the conscious effort to become as inclusive as possible.