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HAF Annual Report 2022/23

HAF DEC22-20

Key highlights and outcomes

The HAF programme in 2022/23 has ensured that children and young people attending HAF clubs have enjoyed a range of fun, enriching and physical activities. A large proportion of HAF club attendees return to attend subsequent HAF programmes.

As well as providing structured activities, HAF clubs also provided participants with the ability to grow in confidence and make new friends, developing their friendships and social circle.

For parents and carers of HAF club participants, the programme has meant that they have had childcare provisions. This allows them to work or focus on their studies and has helped to reduce financial worries during school holiday periods.

The HAF programme has benefitted the local economy in Buckinghamshire through funding of local activity providers to deliver the clubs, as well as funding of local food businesses that have provided healthy food for the HAF programme.

Key facts

  • Increase in specialist SEND clubs countywide from 1 to 5.
  • Increase in the number of HAF club locations from an average of 26 in 2021/22 to an average of 41 in 2022/23.
  • Increase in the number of individual participants attending HAF clubs over the year. With 1,430 at Easter, 1,947 in Summer and 1,539 at Christmas, showing solid growth and reach of the programme.
  • High quality of HAF clubs and breadth of activity offered including clubs, experiences, day trips and events.
  • Two Christmas family pantomime and meal events, coordinated by the Council’s HAF team.
  • Additional enriching activities funded by the HAF programme have allowed children and young people to experience different activities such as a roaming farm, beatbox workshops, a gaming bus, roller disco and zorb activities.
  • 500 take-home nature-based wellbeing activity packs and plant growing kits distributed via HAF clubs, helping to support children’s well-being through nature and the outdoors.