HAF Annual Report 2023/24

Plans for 2024/25
Throughout 2024/25 we aim to continue the growth of the HAF programme, making use of additional funds to offer a higher number of places per holiday period; building the variation in HAF’s offer by increasing the number of providers delivering and increasing the total number of children and young people benefiting from the offer; growing the programmes reach locally.
We will work with Evouchers, our centralised booking system provider, to continue the improvement of HAF’s booking system and make it more user-friendly for both parents and providers, with the system introduction already having a positive impact by introducing more families to the offer, creating an even playing field and reducing the expectations places on our schools.
Youth Voice will play a larger role in HAF thanks to the introduction of our HAF Young Ambassadors project which will see young people involved in our application review process; actively having a say in which activities they want to see on offer. Our HAF Young Ambassadors will also act as secret shoppers, reviewing HAF provisions as attendees and feeding back to the HAF team, with their feedback taken into consideration when reviewing future applications.
Buckinghamshire Council also hopes to enable the continued growth of the organisations delivering their HAF offer by encouraging and assisting them to register for Ofsted, enabling them to make use of Tax-free childcare credits or become involved in the wider Wraparound agenda; enabling them to become more sustainable moving forwards.