HAF Annual Report 2023/24

Programme coordination
Funding from the Department of Education (DofE), and the role of the steering group.
Programme expenditure
Funding of £1,171,570 was made available to Buckinghamshire Council by the Department for Education to deliver the HAF programme during 2023/24.
The total HAF programme expenditure for 2023/24 was £1,171,570. This included a proportion of programme funding allocated to programme administration (for staffing and staff-related costs) of £117,157.
Steering group
In line with government guidance, a steering group has been established for the Buckinghamshire programme. This supportive steering group works in partnership with the Council to plan and promote the delivery of the programme ensuring that the right partners continue to engage with HAF.
The Buckinghamshire steering group includes representatives from:
- youth services
- public health
- safeguarding leads
- communications
- Early Help
- integrated SEND team
- FACT Bucks (the parent and carer forum for Buckinghamshire)
- Thames Valley Police
- local charities and voluntary sector organisations
The Buckinghamshire HAF steering group meets regularly to support the oversight of the programme.

Quality Assurance
Quality assurance plays a critical role in the HAF programme and the HAF team works closely with the Early Years Service’s Improvement and Development (IaD) Team for the organising of quality assurance visits to all providers and venues each delivery period.
Within these visits, members of the IaD team check that HAF’s framework of standards is being delivered and that the sessions are being delivered safely; the voice of young people engaged in HAF is welcomed during these visits. These quality assurance visits are vital to maintain HAF’s high standards and allow for a quick response to any incidents identified.