HAF Annual Report 2023/24

Promotion and marketing
The communications strategy included a mix of both digital and print communications to reach the target audience, taking into consideration that some of the county’s more vulnerable low-income families do not have frequent access to online services.
Using a combination of:
- geographically targeted social media campaigns
- press releases
- local newsletters
- advertorials in regional parent-focused magazines
- print promotion across libraries and family centres
ensured Buckinghamshire’s successful promotion and delivery of the HAF programme.
Co-designed marketing material
An additional piece of work was also completed in collaboration with some HAF-eligible young people to help co-design some HAF marketing material aimed at those aged 11 plus, with the co-designed materials used on social media posts and within our HAF booklet.

Engagement with schools
The strategy also included close engagement with Buckinghamshire schools, meetings with school leads and bespoke letters and flyers sent in Easter and summer 23, via schools, which were shared with the parents and carers of eligible children.
Centralised booking system
Christmas 2023 saw the introduction of a centralised booking system for HAF, making it easier for schools to order HAF vouchers for families; ensuring families received them on the same date giving them access to book onto HAF provision.
The reduced barriers to access have allowed new families to access the support HAF offers and introduced them to providers with whom they have since developed positive relationships.
Alongside this, the booking system has also enabled the HAF team to receive booking data in real-time which has enabled them to effectively promote providers with places still available to local families with help from local schools and through social media.