Staying in full time education
You can choose whether you want to go to a further education college or stay on at your school’s sixth form
What your options are when you are old enough to leave school.
Extra help available to you if you’re not sure what to do next.
Information about the Surveys we will send to find out if a young person is in education, training or employment.
You can choose whether you want to go to a further education college or stay on at your school’s sixth form
Work and study programmes and apprenticeships for when you turn 16.
Volunteering can help you gain confidence, learn new skills and meet new people. It can be a good first step into college or work.
Information and advice when looking for work or possible careers opportunities.
Post-16 options for young people with a special educational need or disability in Buckinghamshire.
Your options at age 18 including employment, volunteering, further study or a gap year.