Family Information Service

Information and advice drop-ins

All families and young people need a bit of help from time to time and the Family Centres are here to do just that. We have three centres across the county that have staff on site who are available to offer support. They are available from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. These centres are:

The centres are contactable by phone or you can drop-in with no need for an appointment.

We can offer you on-the-spot support if needed. For example, completing a form, accessing a food bank voucher and signing up to a targeted group). We can also provide advice and information, or signpost to other people who may be able to help you.

Below is a list of the areas we may be able to support families:

  • food bank vouchers
  • domestic abuse/a safe space to make calls or get advice
  • parental conflict
  • family routines or relationships
  • parenting
  • mental health
  • difficulties with housing or home conditions
  • risk-taking behaviour
  • the impact of substance misuse
  • financial problems and debt
  • young carers
  • vulnerable to exploitation
  • excluded from school or having difficulties going to school

If you need advice for something else not on the list please contact us anyway. If we cannot help we will probably know someone who can.

The drop-ins are open to all ages, with young people also welcome to come in for support at any time.