Family Information Service

News for families and young people

Things to do during the Summer holidays

Holiday clubs and activities, free and cheap activities, where to eat free or for £1, and a support pack for SEND parents/carers.

Post-16 SEND Opportunities Showcase

Post-16 SEND Opportunities Showcase Tuesday 1 October 2024

New childcare offer for working parents

New childcare offer for eligible working parents of two-year-olds.

Children's Services Transformation and Improvement

Information and updates on the Buckinghamshire Children's Services Transformation and Improvement

A-Level, BTEC, T-Level and VTQ results day 15 August 2024: Not sure what to do next

If you are not sure what to do next and are looking for information, advice or free careers guidance, there is online help and support for you.

GCSE and Level 2 VTQ results day 22 August 2024: Not sure what to do next

If you are not sure what to do after your GCSEs and are looking for information, advice or free careers guidance, there is online help and support for you.

Adviza support for Year 11 leavers

Summer Holiday programme for Year 11 leavers to be able to meet new friends, learn new skills and have fun.

Childhood Nutrition - Better Health Food Scanner App

The new NHS Food Scanner App to make it easier for parents to provide their children with healthier diets.

Added this week

new activities and services added over the last 7 days

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