Family Information Service

SEND Co-production Resources

SEND Co-production Resources

These resources can help you to make co-production as successful as possible.

SEND Co-production toolkit

Our SEND co-production toolkit is for anyone working with children and young people with SEND, and/or their families, in services, schools and communities.


What is Co-production (Animation)

This video, from the Scottish Co-production Network, explains what co-production is and what it isn’t. It explains that by combining everyone’s strengths we can work together to achieve positive change.

Young people’s views on co-production

This video, created by Buckinghamshire’s Shout Out for SEND representatives shares tips on how to fully involve children and young people with SEND in things that affect their future.

There are several youth projects in Buckinghamshire that give young people a voice, skills or funding to help them to make a difference in their communities.

Find out more about our SEND Youth Projects

Statutory Guidance

The SEND Code of Practice from 1 September 2014 Government guidance on special educational needs and disability (SEND) for children and young people aged 0 to 25 years.


Social Care Institute for Excellence SCIE) is a national improvement agency. On their website they outline and explain what co-production is and how to get started. There is a range of co-production resources, including a full co-production process approach.

Think Local Act Personal is a national partnership of more than 50 organisations committed to transforming health and care through personalisation and community-based support. The partnership spans central and local government, social care providers, the NHS and the voluntary and community sector as well as people with lived experience. The organisation has a variety of co-production resources and further reading on its website.

The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) is a charity that works with people, workers and organisations in social work and social care to help them use knowledge and innovation to make positive change happen. The organisation has a variety of co-production resources available on their website, including a co-production project planner.

The Coalition for Personalised Care is a partnership of people and organisations, including NHS England, who work together to make personalised care a reality. The organisation has created a Co-production Model which outlines the five values and seven steps to making co-production happen.

Involve is a public participation charity which aims to put people at the heart of decision-making. Their website has a range of resources to support co-production and involving people in the decisions that affect their lives.