Family Information Service

SEND Co-production Toolkit

Last updated: 6 July 2023

8. Measuring the impact of co-production

young girl posing in playground

It’s vital that we can assess how well we are using co-production and the impact that co-production has for children and young people. The questions below suggest some areas to consider when assessing the impact of co-production:

  • Who was involved? How did they become involved?
  • What were the barriers and how did we try to overcome them?
  • Why did we involve the particular group of people? What is their relevant lived experience or contribution?
  • What was in scope for their decision-making and action and what was out of scope? How did we communicate and negotiate this?
  • Can we give specific examples of how we were flexible and responsive to people’s needs in the co-production process?
  • How can we show that our process was effective? How did we implement the actions in the co-production checklist?
  • How do we know our co-production processes were effective ?
  • What changed or was influenced as a result of our co-production?
  • What changed or was influenced as a result of our co-production?