Family Information Service

What to do if you're not happy

First steps

We always do our best to help children and young people with SEND and their parents or carers.

But if you are not happy with a decision we have made, or disappointed in how a process run by the council was managed, you can make a complaint.

There are different ways to share your concerns, and take the matter further if you are not satisfied with our response:

Talk to the professionals involved

You should first raise your concerns with a professional who was involved in the decision or process you are unhappy with.

Problems can often be resolved quickly when concerns are shared and discussed.

Education, health and care (EHC) plan coordinators

If you are unhappy because we have chosen not to carry out an EHC needs assessment, or give your child an EHC plan, you should first speak to the EHC coordinator or assistant EHC coordinator involved in your case.

They can arrange a meeting to bring together:

  • parents or carers
  • the child or young person with SEND
  • teachers and other professionals

This is a chance to discuss the current and future support your child with SEND needs.