Family Information Service

Short breaks service statement

Last updated: 21 October 2022

Consultation and participation

Children and young people with disabilities, their parents and carers have helped us to decide how to provide short breaks.

Below are some of the ways we involve service users and their families:

  • when they use commissioned short breaks service, children and young people are involved in setting and reviewing their goals. They also choose activities they would like to do
  • parents and carers are asked for regular feedback on short breaks services
  • FACT Bucks run a parent advisory group (PAG). The PAG provides a place to share good practices. As well as listen to and discuss the issues that service providers and families may face
  • our short breaks strategy and service statement were developed with children, young people their parents and carers
  • the views of children, young people, parents and carers are included in the specifications for commissioned services

This is what parents and carers have told us about short breaks:

  • we (children, young people and their families) rely on short breaks
  • we really value the time a short break gives us
  • short breaks have a good effect on our health
  • it is important to have a range of local short breaks on offer. This includes good provisions through school holidays
  • it is important staff have the right training to meet the needs of my child
  • to prevent crisis short breaks need to be available at the right time
  • access to short breaks should be fair and transparent

This is what children and young people have told us about short breaks:

  • making new friends through short breaks is really important
  • it is good to learn new skills and try new things
  • change can sometimes be difficult to manage