Family Information Service

Post-16 Surveys: why we may contact you

Every year we need to let the Department for Education know if young people in years 12 and 13 who live in Buckinghamshire are in education or employment.

We also use this information to offer you help with your next steps.

After you finish year 11 and approach adulthood, you can start to make your own decisions. So we will usually contact you to find out if you are learning or working. We may also speak to your parent or carer.

We may ask you to complete one of our surveys for 16 to 18-year-olds. This is for all young people in years 12 and 13.

How we get in touch

We may get in touch with you by:

  • letter
  • email
  • text
  • telephone
  • visiting your home address

Sometimes our partner agency, Adviza, will get in touch with you on our behalf. Adviza is a Buckinghamshire Council contractor.

You should reply as quickly as you can. If we do not hear from you, we will make a number of attempts to contact you. This is to find out what you are doing and to offer information and advice if you want it.

When do we contact you

Usually, we will contact you during the autumn term each year.

We may also check in with you at other times. For example, if you leave school or college before the end of your course.

Where do you get my information and how do you look after it

We get some information from your secondary school or college. You may also have given us some details by filling in a ‘What Next’ form at school or if you have met one of our Family Workers.

We, and our partner agency Adviza, handle your information in a secure way and process it under data protection law.

View our privacy notice