Family Information Service

Sexual health, testing and contraception

Sexual health services in Buckinghamshire are free, confidential and offer lots of support including tests, check-ups, contraception, pregnancy testing and vaccinations.

Getting a test, contraception and condoms

Get free and confidential support from Buckinghamshire Sexual Health and Wellbeing (bSHaW).

bSHaW have clinics in Aylesbury and High Wycombe and offer support at GP surgeries across Buckinghamshire, C-Card sites offering free condoms, and sexual assault referral centres.

bSHaW offer:

  • Chlamydia Screening for 15 to 24-year-olds
  • Contraceptive and/or STI Check-up
  • Postal test kit
  • Emergency Contraception
  • Free condoms (C-card Scheme)
  • Free Pregnancy Testing
  • HIV Testing
  • HIV Treatment and Care
  • Long-acting reversible Contraception such as Implants, IUD, IUS and Injectables
  • Vaccinations as for the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) - for both males and females
  • Confidential advice over the phone for Under 25s on 0300 303 28 80

Getting advice

bSHaW offer advice over the phone and lots of information on their website including:

  • Buckinghamshire Local Support for LGBT*+ including local support groups, advice on coming out, and useful website
  • Domestic Violence including local and national support
  • Sexual health for those with learning disabilities
  • 15 different methods of contraception available