Family Information Service

Health support services

Sexual health support

Buckinghamshire also offers a variety of information and services relating to sexual health where you can get advice, contraception and support.

Buckinghamshire Sexual Health and Wellbeing

Buckinghamshire Sexual Health and Wellbeing (bSHaW) provides sexual health advice and support. This includes:

  • Sexual health advice and treatment
  • STI testing including digital testing
  • HIV treatment and care. This includes Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
  • Condom Distribution Scheme. Available for young people aged 13 to 24 and eligible adults
  • Contraception
  • 1:1 support programmes for young people and adults
  • Sexual health training for professionals
  • Opportunity to be a community champion for sexual health

LGBTQ+ Support