Family Information Service

Health in pregnancy and the early years

Starting a family

Bringing a new life into the world can be one of the most rewarding and exciting things you can do.

Planning a pregnancy

If you're trying for a baby, there are many things to consider to improve your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy.

The NHS has lots of information on:

  • Trying for a baby
  • How to increase your chances of getting pregnant
  • Pregnancy tests
  • Signs and symptoms of pregnancy

You can also try out Tommy's planning for pregnancy tool. This will tell you all you need to know about improving the health of your future pregnancy and child/ren.


If you're expecting a baby, the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS website is a great place to start.

You'll find information on:

  • Your birth choices
  • Where to go if you need help or advice
  • Your pregnancy and antenatal care
  • Your screening choices

The NHS also have:

Having a baby if you're LGBTQ+

The NHS has information if you are LGBTQ+ and want to start a family including:

  • Ways to become a parent if your LGBTQ+
  • Testosterone and pregnancy
  • Chestfeeding if you're trans or non-binary

What steps to take to prepare financially

We know you need to think about your finances and make sure you get the support you’re entitled to.

These websites have help and support that may help you prepare for your baby financially.


The Money Charity

GOV.UK Financial help if you have children