Family Information Service

Children in employment and entertainment

Apply for a permit to employ a child

Employers must apply for a permit for a school-aged child to work for them in Buckinghamshire. They are no longer legally classed as a school-aged child from the last Friday in June in the academic year in which they reach 16.

Under Buckinghamshire's child employment by-laws, there are some jobs children are not allowed to do and if your child is Electively Home Educated (EHE) please contact us to discuss before applying.

Contact: [email protected]

How to apply

To apply, fill in our permit application form and send it to us within 7 days of the child starting work. The form needs to be signed by a parent or guardian.

If a child lives in Buckinghamshire but works in another county, they will need to contact that authority for a permit.

Each permit is specific to the job and employer, if a child has more than one job, you need a permit for each.

You don't need a permit for work experience arranged by the school. If this leads to employment, you need a permit.

Send your completed permit to [email protected]

Child employment regulations

Find out more about child employment regulations.