Family Information Service

Education, health and care plans (EHCP)

Creating an EHC plan

If we decide that an EHC plan is needed, we will work with the child or young person to understand their goals and ambitions, and what they want to do in the future.

These hoped-for results are known as 'outcomes’, and they will be used when creating an EHC plan.

To make sure we get the right long term outcomes for a child or young person, EHC plans contain details on:

  • the child or young person's goals for the future
  • support needed from education, health and care providers to meet the intended outcomes
  • the child or young person's education, health and care needs relating to their SEND
  • the type of education provider they will go to

Based on the information we gather, we will create an EHC plan.

A draft copy will be sent to parents and carers, or the young person if they made the application themselves.

Parents, carers and young people will have at least 15 days to comment on the draft EHC plan.

If they want to request that a child or young person goes to a particular education provider, they can say so at this stage.

You can see an EHC plan template on Buckinghamshire's SchoolsWeb. It is divided into 12 sections, and records a child or young person's health, education and social care needs.

It also includes details on how a personal budget can be used to support the intended outcomes for a child or young person.

A EHC plan will be reviewed as a minimum, every 12 months. You can view the Annual Review documents on SchoolsWeb.

Parents, carers and young people can make additional requests for reviews of EHC plans at any time