Family Information Service

Education, health and care plans (EHCP)

Disagreeing with our decision

You can disagree with:

  • our decision not to carry out an EHC needs assessment
  • our decision not to create an EHC plan
  • the special educational needs and provision described in the EHC plan
  • the health or social care needs and provision described in the EHC plan
  • the school named in the EHC plan

To raise their concerns, parents, carers and young people should first speak to their current educational setting and / or a member of the Integrated SEND Service, which could be their EHC Coordinator involved in their case. They can arrange a meeting with you to discuss current and future SEND support. Contact our Integrated SEND Service (iSEND).

If parents, carers or young people are not satisfied after discussions with the iSEND Service, they can contact the SEN Resolutions team.

Parents, carers or young people can contact SENDIAS for free, impartial advice and support at any time.

Parents, carers or young people can also use an independent, unbiased mediation service by calling Global Mediation on 0800 064 4488. This service is free of charge.

After speaking with a mediation advisor, you can decide if you would like to go to a mediation meeting. If you do not want to continue with mediation, the mediation adviser will issue a certificate within 3 days, confirming that mediation advice has been given.

If this does not resolve your problem, you can appeal to the First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability). You can also decide to go to this stage without speaking to a mediation adviser by obtaining a mediation certificate.