Family Information Service

Short breaks service statement

Last updated: 21 October 2022

Preparing for adulthood

Leaving school and moving into adulthood can be a challenging time. Not just for the young person but for their parents too.

Families may need advice from a range of people to make sure that changes go well.

Every young person with an education, health and care (EHC) plan should have a transition review. This should take place when they are in year 9 and should meet their aspirations for the future and put in place structures to support their achievement of required goals and aspirations.

A transition plan will tell you what the young person (and others involved in their life) wants to happen in the future. It will also set out how this will happen.

Transition planning should address questions concerning:

  • a young person
  • their family
  • the school
  • professionals supporting them.

Short breaks and respite should be considered as part of transition planning and how this component supports the young person to achieve their goals and aspirations. This is so that everyone knows about and can plan for any change.

Further information on preparing for adulthood can be found on the SEND local offer.