Family Information Service

Preparing for Adulthood

Introduction to Preparing for Adulthood

What you can expect to find in the Preparing for Adulthood section of the Local Offer.

Further and higher education

EHC Plan reviews, further education and support for young people with high needs.

Training, work experience and employment

Help and support for finding a job or building work skills.

Living independently

Advice on living options for young people in Buckinghamshire with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

People at the council who can help you

Teams at Buckinghamshire council that young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can contact if they need help preparing for adulthood

Staying safe

Information and guidance on staying safe if you have special educational needs and disabilities and live in Buckinghamshire.

Being healthy

Caring for your health as you grow up is about knowing how best to look after yourself and knowing that the people you see may change. It is also about knowing who can help you to look after yourself.

Social inclusion

Support for young people to make friends in their local community when becoming more independent.