Family Information Service

Further and higher education

Yearly or annual EHC Plan reviews from year 9

If you have an EHC plan, your yearly or annual review will be different once you get to year 9 (age 13 or 14). The meeting is about you, so it's best if you attend.

At your annual review meeting everyone will want to help you to decide:

  • what you want to do when you leave school
  • where you want to live as an adult
  • ways you can stay fit and healthy
  • ways you can become more independent

Your parents or carers can come to your EHC plan annual review meeting. You can also invite your favourite teachers and a social worker if you have one.

At your annual review meeting, you will work with your teachers to make a plan for your next year at school. This will help you get ready for when you leave school or college.

If you don't want to go to your annual review meeting, that's OK. You will be helped to give your views beforehand. Your school will tell you afterwards what everyone discussed in the meeting.

What happens after your yearly EHC plan review

After the meeting, your teachers will write down a plan for your next year at school. The plan will include your thoughts and ideas on what you’d like to do after you leave school. It will also include comments from your school on how they can help you to meet your goals.

Any teachers in your school who need a copy of the plan will get one. You can also get a copy of the plan for yourself if you want one, as well as copies for parents/carers and your social worker (if you have one). A copy of your plan will also be sent to our Integrated SEND Service.

Below you can read about what happens during your annual review meeting from year 9 onwards. The things listed in each year group may not happen in the same order as they appear on our website. But they will happen at some point during the school year.