Your options when you come to the end of Year 11
There are different options available when you come to the end of Year 11:
- Staying in education at a sixth form or a further education college
- Starting an apprenticeship
- Completing a work and study programme
- Volunteering
If you have special educational needs or disability (SEND) there may be different, more suitable options for you. Find out more in our Preparing for Adulthood area.
You can find more information about your options on the GOV.UK website.
You might be able to get help with education or training costs.
The 16 to 19 bursary fund can help with things like books, travel and equipment.
You can also apply for:
- discounts on local bus and rail travel
- help with childcare costs whilst you study(if you are a parent under the age of 20 when you start your course)