Family Information Service

Youth Voice

Youth Voice Executive Committee gives 11 to 19-year-olds the chance to come together on a regular basis and raise the issues they're passionate about and improve their community.

The Executive Committee inform senior leaders from the council about youth issues and undertake programmes of work to improve local services. There is also the opportunity to represent the county at national events too.

Youth Voice is a great way to bring about change so get in touch if you want to:

  • improve life locally
  • make a difference
  • shape local services and decisions
  • gain experience

To join a group or find out more email: [email protected] or call 01296 382 583

Other specialist youth participation groups

Buckinghamshire Council runs other groups for young people to make a difference on issues that matter to them.

These groups are called specialist youth participation groups because they are more focused on particular issues.

We Do Care

We Do Care is Buckinghamshire’s Children in Care Council.

It gives children and young people a chance to have their say on issues that matter to them, to make sure that they are listened to by Social Workers, managers and other decision-makers.

SEND Youth Projects

There are lots of youth projects for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) including:

  • Shout Out Reps
  • Annual conference for young people
  • Activity days